Worship Nights is more of a space and less of a service. We simply open up and encourage you to use this space to worship as a 1-on-1 time with the Lord, whatever that looks like. There is space to pray, soak in the Scriptures, simply sit and have a coffee and just ‘be present’ with the Lord, and space to sing songs of worship and praise. However you want to use the space worshipfully, the space is there.
Worship Nights is for those who find it hard to carve out space with the Lord in your busy every day.
Worship Nights is for those who serve most Sundays and want to breathe and be refreshed.
Worship Nights is for the young and old who want to go deeper in their walk with the Lord.
Worship Nights is for those who need undistracted space to tune in and hear His voice.
Worship Nights is for those who simply want to be in the presence of Jesus.